Kitega Uchumi Projects

Income generation initiatives for Long-Term Self Sustenance

  • Clean water and Food Security (comprises water drilling in arid and semi-arid locations and small scale farming of vegetables and fruits).
  • Music Schools (fully kitted music studios)
  • Merchandise for sale from locally available materials such as bead-work and pottery
  • Gym facility for community user-targeting idle and at-risk youths (physical/emotional therapy)

Orphans & Vulnerable Children – OVC Care

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 NIV

  • For 10 years, we have partnered with Mary Faith Children’s Center (a Community Based Organization ) domiciled in the outskirts of the City of Nairobi in Satellite Estate – Riruta in the area of resource mobilization and professional referral for psycho-social support for at risk girls living at the center.
  • Mary Faith Girls Rescue Center primarily focuses on rescuing girls who have suffered traumatic experiences; namely physical, emotional and sexual abuse by giving them temporary shelter while being a catalyst in rebuilding back their dignity and livelihood.
  • We work closely with churches and other charitable groups who have a burden and a heart for the hurting to offer material and moral/spiritual support for the orphans and vulnerable kids at the Center.

Structured Premarital/Marriage Enrichment

  • Create a conducive, couple friendly environment for Premarital counseling experience.
  • Be a catalyst in cementing relationship building techniques in the marital journey.
  • Offer professional, structured Pre-marriage counseling and advisory services.
  • Provide wedding planning services and accompanying logistical support for the Big day.
  • Offer professional interventions and psychologically appropriate assistance for at-risk couples and Families.

Life on Life – LoL Mentorship Experience

  • This is a 3 months Post-high school transitional mentorship and Discipleship program.
  • To build physical endurance, emotional and psychological stability as well as spiritual aptitude.
  • Offer career guidance.
  • Enhance Life skills development.
  • Inculcate Family values.
  • Be a catalyst in career apprenticeship.
  • Provide professionals attachment opportunities and placement for Counseling and Psychology graduate programs.