A center of excellence for serving and servicing marriages in Africa
Rather than complain of things as they are, we must envision things as they should be.
To restore hope and dignity of the marriage union.
- To serve the married and service marriages with an aim of making them thrive.
- To promote the original God-ordained purpose of marriage.
- To celebrate working marriages and be catalyst in healing troubled marriages.
“We live in a world that has more and more relationships and less and less love, more and more sex and less and less intimacy”
Michael Todd.
Target Goals
- To raise, resource and release passionate His & Hers Balozi’s (Marriage Ambassadors) across the region (47 Counties of Kenya and spread out to the rest of Africa strategically) who will champion the healthy marriages initiative.
- To identify, equip and commission 1,200 His & Hers Balozi’s every year across the country with a multiplier effect in mind.
- To develop, design and disseminate user-friendly, culturally relevant and Bible-centered Marriage enrichment tools (print and electronic-audio visual materials).
- To intentionally empower and strategically position 150 His & Hers Shujaaz (Marriage Champions) to reproduce the His & Hers Clinic model across the region.
That most marriages are struggling and barely surviving to save face for the public gallery is not a debatable reality today. Most recently we have witnessed heart rending stories of cold blood murder, homicide, suicide and beastly actions committed by partners in seemingly stable marriage relationships. I was recently involved in therapy with a close family member of a victim who was shot 13 times with her husband who happens to be an armed security officer and for the first time I came face to face with a phenomenon I only read in the dailies. These stories among many others are the motivation that has pushed the visionaries to step out and make a difference in a different way through intentional, well thought-out, Bible Centered and God-glorifying investment in couples (both the married and the unmarried) with an aim of laying a firm foundation that will entrench Godly values for healthy and thriving unions in this generation. Our culture today puts emphasis on weddings and the accompanying glamour but very little on preparing couples for the responsibility and challenges that come with marital commitment. It is our informed opinion that more needs to be done in preparing and equipping couples with the necessary “tools” (Personal, Interpersonal and Intra-personal life skills and relational techniques) to enable them navigate and nurture healthy marital unions as well as raise Godly families.