Ken Aringo (Rev.) an ordained Church minister, a published author , a celebrated Conference speaker, passionate youth mentor and a renowned marriage counselor together with his wife Ruth Aringo (an educationist) were just newly married less than one year when God laid a burden in their heart to start a ministry with a “heart for hurting people” (especially teens and youth in the Eastlands neighborhood of Nairobi); who were plagued with innumerable psycho-social challenges ranging from drunkenness, drug addiction, joblessness and rebellion to authority figures among other social dysfunctional behaviors. Ken was then a student in Theological School at East Africa School of Theology (now EAST University) and was serving as a volunteer youth pastor at his local church in Nairobi-Kenya. His wife, Ruth Aringo was a professional teacher at a City private school and she interacted daily with young people which made her encounter first-hand the myriad teens’ struggles.
The young couple opened their one-bedroom home for mid-week fellowship that was basically a forum where young people (especially fresh graduates from high school) would find an accountability support group-“Tushauriane” and share their personal challenges and little victories in an accommodating and non-judgmental forum. After about three months, the Aringo’s little house become too small and could barely accommodate the large numbers of young people who flocked into their home every week. It was time to look outward and Ken approached a youth pastor (Rev. Tom Otieno) at The All Saints Cathedral Nairobi who opened wide the church doors and provided accommodation for the growing non-denominational ministry to young people. The ministry was officially founded in the year 2004 during a town hall concert dubbed the “Mercy Experience” forum where different issues affecting the Family issues were addressed by professional speakers and ministers in an open mic session lasting four hours. A decade plus later, the Ministry is now a registered Society (with a Continental touch) and has influenced over 20,000 plus families directly and hundreds of thousands people across the African Continent with a strong presence in Uganda, Rwanda and Zambia among other nations.
Rev. Ken Aringo is also a holder of Master of Counseling Psychology (Daystar University), Bachelor of Divinity (B. Div. Hons) as well as a Higher Diploma in Bible and Theology. Ken is a regular panelist on numerous Radio and Television Shows as a consultant on Family affairs; he also ministers in Schools and Colleges as well as Universities across Africa on Evangelistic missions, Motivational speaking as well professional counseling engagements on a myriad of Psycho-social issues. Rev. Ken is the immediate former Vicar of an urban congregation in the City outskirts of Nairobi-Kenya. He is the author of the bestselling book, “The Software of Sex” (Most Talked About, Least Understood). He is a father of three-two boys and one girl (aged between 7 and 13 years).